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UK heading for second hottest year on record

"Preliminary temperature charts covering January to November show the year was 1.1C warmer than the long-term average temperature taken over the 30 years leading up to 2000."

Category: Climate Change


Ice boat details ozone collapse

"The dramatic springtime collapse of surface ozone in the Arctic has been documented by scientists."

Category: Climate Change


What is a fair solution to climate change?

"Our lifestyles produce vastly different amounts of CO2 depending on how we live and how rich we are. So who should take responsibility for cutting emissions?"

Category: Climate Change


Carbon myths

"Recycling and banning plastic bags are all very well, but they won't save the planet. Instead, we should fly less, go vegan and insulate the loft, says Chris Goodall"


Shell plans to take on greener tinge by growing algae

"Shell is going to grow marine algae to convert into biofuel, the oil company announced yesterday."

Displaying results 986 to 990 out of 1185